Compass Medical Career Healthcare Opportunities Compass Medical is currently experiencing tremendous growth and expansion. As a physician-owned healthcare company, we have worked tirelessly to create, improve and refine a highly successful healthcare business model. Compass Medical provides timely, cost-effective and innovative health care solutions to meet the individual needs of each patient. Compass Medical, as well as our patients, demand and expect that all our employees perform according to high professional and ethical standards. Achieving and exceeding this level of performance requires uniquely skilled and highly dedicated employees. That is why Compass Medical is committed to identifying and employing the most qualified, skilled, passionate & professional talent available. Compass Medical is affiliated with Steward Healthcare System. We appreciate your interest to explore employment with our organization. Please use the contact information below. JOB SEEKERS:All recruitment is managed through our Business Office in East Bridgewater. RECRUITERS:All Recruitment Agencies are required to work with a 'Compass Medical' approved recruitment agreement. All 'Recruitment Agreements' must be pre-approved via the Recruitment Office in order to validate any fee. CAREER OFFICES / INTERNSHIPS: All initial student employment matters are required to be pre-approved by the recruitment office. Compass Medical PC Business Office 362 North Bedford Street Route 18 E. Bridgewater, MA 02333 Attn: Recruitment Business Office Telephone: 508-350-2350 Provider Email: Providers@CompassMedical.net Staff Email: Jobs@CompassMedical.net
In order to apply on-line with Compass Medical, you will need an active email address to finalize the submission process. If you do not already have an active Email address, you may sign-up for a free Email account below: • Click here to: get free Yahoo Mail • Click here to: get free GMail • Click here to: get free HotMail Compass Medical PC does not endorse any specific email provider. |